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Internet of Things

Security Roundtable – With IoT, Security Must Be Built in From the Beginning

  • March 2018
  • 1 min read

Despite growing security concerns about IoT and IIoT, many businesses still overlook key factors, as well as offer products and services that lack essential protections.

In the end, it’s essential to recognize a basic fact about IoT: “Threats can come from all directions,” pointed out Kal Bittianda, Egon Zehnder's Global Lead for Cybersecurity. 

“There are substantial risks associated with the IoT,” said Naveed Bandukwala, a consultant in Egon Zehnder’s Technology and Communications and Financial Services Practices. “These span areas as diverse as consumer data, intellectual property, reputational risk, and operations.”

Here are four things every organization should consider when developing products and services for IoT or IIoT:

  1. Data centricity
  2. Privacy matters
  3. Device security is more than the sum of protocols
  4. Network security is just as important as device security

Ultimately, in a connected world, security must span every aspect of IT and the business. “Threats can come from all directions,” said Egon Zehnder consultant Kal Bittianda. “Security is something that has to be considered and built in from the very beginning of a project,” he said.

Full Story: “With IoT, Security must be Built in from the Beginning”  by Sam Greengard (26 February 2018).

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