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Launch of ‘Independent Women Directors (IWD)’ project in Turkey

  • January 2017
  • 1 min read

Diversity Initiatives

Launch of ‘Independent Women Directors (IWD)’ project in Turkey

Sabancı University (SU) celebrated the launch of its ‘Independent Women Directors (IWD)’ project aimed at increasing the number of independent women directors in Turkey on 13 December 2012. Egon Zehnder International is a strategic partner of the SU in the IWD Project, which is part of the ‘Global Board Ready Women (GBRW)’ initiative. The initiative, run by leading European business schools, is aimed at developing a database of women across Europe who are ready to serve on corporate boards. The keynote speaker at the launch event was Candace Johnson, project coordinator of GBRW, who also presented the results of the ‘Women Directors in Turkey’s Listed Companies – 2012’ report. Around 150 guests attended the launch, including GBRW female members, academics and representatives from both the media and publicly-listed companies.

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