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The Hispanic Promise

Egon Zehnder is proud to be a signatory on the first-of-its-kind corporate pledge to hire, promote, retain, and celebrate Hispanics as employees.

  • September 2020
  • 2 mins read

The Hispanic Promise is the first-of-its-kind national pledge to hire, promote, retain and celebrate Hispanics in the workplace.

Launched at the World Economic Forum in 2019 by We Are All Human, the Hispanic promise is a non-legally binding sign of intention created as a call to action for business leaders and companies of Corporate America to create a more inclusive work environment for Hispanics.

The Promise also represents an opportunity for those companies already engaged in inclusion and diversity to showcase their commitment as a Hispanic-friendly place.

Egon Zehnder is proud to be a signatory on The Hispanic Promise, effective in 2020. Since its launch in January 2019, the Promise has been signed on by more than 130 companies. You can view a list of signatories here.

History of the Hispanic Promise

The Hispanic Promise has gained momentum ever since its announcement in Davos and maintained it through a series of regional summits intended to gather Hispanic and non-Hispanic leadership in different regions of the United States to discuss the pressing issues around the Hispanic community in companies. Throughout 2019, the Hispanic Promise was showcased in Chicago (April), Dallas (September), and San Francisco (October), and also at the Hispanic Leadership Summit held at the United Nations in New York (December). The first wave of signatories was announced in Chicago, with more than 50 companies.

Egon Zehnder's Commitment to the Hispanic Promise

By signing the Hispanic Promise, Egon Zehnder unlocks a series of opportunities to increase representation and enhance the sentiment among your Hispanic employees, credibility among your Hispanic customer base, and reputation among the Hispanic community altogether.

We encourage your organization to sign The Hispanic Promise. Learn more about the initiative by clicking the links below.

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