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Leaders & Daughters 2021

About the Event

On October 11th, 2023, Egon Zehnder proudly hosted the latest version of our Leaders & Daughters event in Santiago, uniting over 120 guests, including both established leaders and their aspiring daughters, for an enriching evening conversation.

Partner and Latam South Cluster Leader, Cristina Manterola, kicked off the evening with a keynote that was followed up by a panel moderated by Joaquín Pérez, a Consultant at our firm. Our panel featured four distinguished female leaders:

The discussions sparked during the event were not only captivating but also incredibly motivating for us and our guests. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to each of you for your invaluable participation. Together, let's empower the next generation of leaders to embrace their authenticity and drive positive change across our families, communities, businesses, and beyond.



Las invito a seguir temprano aquello que las apasiona para comenzar a probar y a descubrir horizontes con anterioridad, y así experimentar y equivocarse.


Les aconsejaría no ponerse límites, sentirse orgullosas de lo que son y rodearse de aquellas personas que las complementan."


Martina Weil

Prominent Chilean sprinter. Recently won gold in the 400 meters at the South American Championships in Sao Paulo (2023). She competed in the Pan American Games in Santiago 2023 and won a gold and silver medal.

María Olivia Recart

Board Member of companies such as Santander Chile, CAP, and Lundin Mining, among others. Additionally, she is the President of Chapter ABAC Chile of APEC. Previously, she served as Dean of Universidad Santo Tomás and VP of Corporate Affairs for the Americas at BHP.

Mary Carmen Llano

Vice President of People Management at CODELCO. She has 12 years of experience in this institution.

Daniela Peñaloza

Mayor of Las Condes since 2021. Previously, she was Deputy Director of Community Development for the Municipality of Las Condes, Director of Education for the Development Corporation of the Municipality of La Reina, and Cabinet Advisor for the Ministry of Education.
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