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Canadian Business – How Boards Can Boost Diversity By Considering Potential

  • January 2016
  • 1 min read

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Canadian Business – How Boards Can Boost Diversity By Considering Potential

Canadian boards welcome the idea of more women, but Egon Zehnder’s Toronto-based consultant Pamela Warren often hears that they are worried about sacrificing quality to achieve greater diversity. “When someone is looking for a female director, the same 15 names come up,” complains Warren in Canadian Business. One solution is to expand the female talent pool. Warren urges boards to stop focusing exclusively on resumés, and take a broader view. For Warren this means considering candidates’ potential and whether they possess qualities like curiosity, insight, engagement and determination.

Full story: Joanna Pachner: How to make corporate boards more diverse in Canadian Business (7 January 2016).

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