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Drapers – Sophie Hanson on Why Retail CEOs Need to Build Brand Advocate Networks

  • June 2016
  • 1 min read

Next-generation retail CEOs need to be skilled team builders who can create a culture of motivated collaboration, writes Egon Zehnder consultant Sophie Hanson in an article for retail magazine Drapers. According to an Egon Zehnder survey of over 40 retail leaders worldwide, their core role is to create a support network for their brand and business among customers, employees, suppliers, external partners and shareholders. “To win in this environment, this new CEO will need to be highly skilled at influencing people and working across silos,” writes Hanson. “We are convinced that the role of mobilising a network of advocates will be the heart of retail leadership in the years ahead,” she adds.

Full story: Sophie Hanson: Talking business: the next generation of retail CEO in Drapers (10 June 2016).

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