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FAZ Hochschulanzeiger – Investment Banking Careers Offer “Considerable Creative Margins”

  • September 2017
  • 1 min read

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FAZ Hochschulanzeiger - Investment Banking Careers Offer “Considerable Creative Margins”

What does a career in investment banking look like today? In an interview with the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Hochschulanzeiger Egon Zehnder consultant Jörg Janke identifies the competences, potential and attitudes that determine success. “The creative margins are massive and this is generally a very exciting environment,” notes Janke. "Investment banking is less glamorous than it used to be, but that is an advantage. Regulations and compliance have made the business more predictable and the Wild West days are definitely over,” he adds.

Jörg Janke: “The Creative Margins Are Considerable”, (“Die Gestaltungsspielräume sind groß”, in German only) in FAZ Hochschulanzeiger (8. August 2017).

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