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Financial Director – How Outsourcing Can Drain Your CFO Talent Pool

  • December 2015
  • 1 min read

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Financial Director – How Outsourcing Can Drain Your CFO Talent Pool

US firms are increasingly outsourcing traditional finance functions roles like day-to-day accounting. But how will this impact the CFO talent pool in the future? “My strong opinion is that when companies make a strategic outsourcing decision, they’d do well to consider the broader, long-term implications on talent development” warns Egon Zehnder consultant Cagla Bekbolet in an article for FinancialDirector. “If they [companies] choose to outsource or offshore large parts of the finance function, how will they foster the flow of talent so that future financial leaders have the full range of experience to be effective custodians of financial performance?” she asks. Aspiring young CFOs certainly need the full range of experience to make it to the top, notes Bekbolet, who advises them to think laterally if that function isn’t insourced in their company.

Full story: Cagla Bekbolet: “Are you outsourcing your future finance leaders?” in FinancialDirector (24 December 2015).

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