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Forbes – 4 Rules For Accepting A Stretch Assignment

  • February 2019
  • 1 min read

Want to connect to a bigger, bolder vision for your career? Try taking on a stretch assignment: A new project, role or task that is beyond your current expertise. There is towering evidence confirming the power of stretch opportunities.

Egon Zehnder’s survey of 823 international executives found that 71% of senior leaders said stretch assignments had the biggest impact on unleashing their potential. 

New research surveying 1,500 professionals found that women and men factor in similar motivations and roadblocks when deciding whether to accept a stretch assignment. For both genders, the top criteria for saying “yes” to a stretch are having the personal influence to drive a successful outcome, and alignment with their career goals. Women and men agree that office politics, not lack of time, is the biggest practical challenge to taking on a stretch assignment.

Full Story: 4 Rules for Accepting Stretch Assignments. By Jo Miller. 15 February 2019.


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