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Hospitalitynet – Hicham Sharara & Paul Liu: How Diversity May Help Hospitality Rise to Technology Challenge

  • August 2016
  • 1 min read

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Hospitalitynet – Hicham Sharara & Paul Liu: How Diversity May Help Hospitality Rise to Technology Challenge

Technological advances are impelling top hotel industry leaders to overhaul their business approach, reports hospitalitynet. In Egon Zehnder’s recent study on CEO leadership in the hospitality industry, Hicham Sharara and Paul Liu find that digital engagement with customers is the new game-changer. The report, based on interviews with industry CEOs and Chairmen, also highlights a growing need to focus on the Chinese, Indian and Southeast Asian markets. Three-quarters of participants stated that China's growth will redefine the hospitality industry. Promoting greater diversity in leadership teams is one way to trigger change, write the authors. Fresh talent from outside the hotel school of thought will bring fresh perspectives, creative stimulation, more agile management and breakthrough insights on how to engage customers.

Full story: Larry Mogelonsky: Technology’s Increasing Impact on Hospitality in hospitalitynet (8 July 2016).

Read Egon Zehnder's 2016 Global Hospitality study here.

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