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Livemint – Govind Iyer – Directorships Drive an Executive’s Growth

  • August 2016
  • 1 min read

Livemint – Govind Iyer – Directorships Drive an Executive’s Growth

Independent directors may work hard, but such positions offer prestige, sharpen professional skills, enhance networks and are often lucrative, reports Livemint. Egon Zehnder’s Govind Iyer agrees that spending time on a company board gives executives an edge. “It contributes to an executive’s growth in multiple ways. It helps you get a perspective which is non-operational. You understand how a board works and how management decisions may be perceived by stakeholders. All these experiences help you be a better manager,” explains Iyer.

Full story: Sonya Dutta Choudhury: The Outsiders in Livemint (7 August 2016).

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