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Tech start-ups score low on board diversity

  • December 2013
  • 1 min read

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Reuters – Tech start-ups score low on board diversity

Silicon Valley start-ups score disappointingly when it comes to board diversity, according to a recent survey by Reuters. Tech start-ups tend to make the specifications for the recruitment of board members so narrow that they automatically eliminate women from the candidate pool, note experts. In the experience of Martha Josephson, a consultant at Egon Zehnder, Palo Alto, the spec is inevitably an individual from the C-suite with experience of running big parts of a company’s operations. The result is a huge gender imbalance in the boardroom, Reuters concludes.

Full story: Sarah McBride and Poornima Gupta: Tech start-ups show little imagination on board gender diversity on “Reuters” (7 December 2013).

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