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The Road to Resilience

  • August 2014
  • 1 min read

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The Guardian – The Road to Resilience

What characterizes a highly resilient organization? According to Christoph Lueneburger, leader of Egon Zehnder’s Private Equity Practice “A highly resilient culture is strong, tightly linked, mutually supportive, and able to sustain tremendous pressure from the outside.” Lueneburger notes that resilient cultures tend to share three common features: they respond fast to constructive criticism, they are quick to rise to future challenges and they are built on a sense of belonging and trust: “Over time, companies that know what they stand for and always act accordingly will also earn extraordinarily high levels of trust from customers and investors,” notes Lueneburger. In his experience, this leads to a virtuous cycle that reinforces resilience and strengthens companies’ market positions.

Full story: Christoph Lueneburger, Bouncing back and bounding ahead: Kees Kruythoff on resilience at Unilever in The Guardian (7 August 2014).

For further insights into sustainability and business, check out more articles by Christopher Lueneburger for The Guardian:

Show me the money: how sustainability creates revenue at Bloomberg in The Guardian (21 August 2014).

A key to corporate success: reaching out in The Guardian (15 August 2014).

Lessons from Chrysler: how to rev up a purpose-driven corporate culture in The Guardian (31 July 2014).

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