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Egon Zehnder in Dresden


+49 351 315 5650


Our Dresden office is Egon Zehnder's eighth location in Germany. It strengthens our global network, and is close to our Berlin and Prague offices.

The region serves as a link between Western and Eastern Europe, making it an ideal location and a key driver for the entire economic area. Renowned educational institutions and numerous research institutes there are also developing a considerable pool of highly qualified specialists and managers in the fields of engineering, IT and natural sciences.

Over the past few decades, eastern Germany has developed into an important business location and continues to offer enormous growth potential. This is mainly due to a cluster of innovative high-tech companies, especially in the fields of microelectronics, semiconductor microelectronics, semiconductor production, optics, mechanical engineering, green tech and biotechnology.

Our Dresden team advises you with passion and expertise, especially in the fields of industry, technology and IT, biotech, health and medtech, automotive and mechanical engineering, energy, chemicals, consumer goods and family businesses.

With our office in Dresden, we offer the region direct access to our consultants worldwide – across all industries and functions.

We look forward to working with you.

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