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Sandra Scharf

Based in Düsseldorf, Sandra Scharf serves clients as a member of Egon Zehnder’s Leadership Advisory Practice. A former human resources executive, strategy consultant with broad international experience, and certified coach and facilitator, she is strongly committed to unlocking the full potential of individuals and teams and working with leaders on a deeply personal, authentic, and empathetic level to help them drive positive cultural change in their organizations. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are crucial themes for her.

I’m privileged to help leaders transform into more authentic versions of themselves able to inspire, motivate, and energize their organizations. Empathy and comprehension are essential for resolving our challenges in today’s world.

Before joining Egon Zehnder, Sandra gained extensive experience working globally in China, South Africa, the USA, Canada, and throughout Europe. Most recently she was with McKinsey & Co. in Düsseldorf, New York, and Amsterdam, serving as an Associate Partner and Senior Expert and leading the firm’s diversity, equity, and inclusion work in Europe as a member of the ABERKYN team devoted to leadership development and cultural change. That was preceded by the role of Senior Vice President at the Center for Talent Innovation in New York, where her responsibilities included researching aspects of diversity, equity, and inclusion and advising Fortune 500 companies who embarked on this path. Earlier, Sandra was responsible for managing entry-level and early tenure talents at the Global Bank of New York and served as the Global Head of Campus Strategy and Pipeline Development at the Bank of New York Mellon, also in New York.

Sandra earned a MBA in international management from Friedrich Schiller University in Jena and an MPA in economic development from Columbia University in New York. She is a trained facilitator for team development processes and systemic constellation work, a certified user of the MBTI, EQi, and LCP tools, and a Newfield Network certified coach®. Outside work, Sandra enjoys spending time with her partner and young daughter, practicing yoga, horseback riding, and traveling widely.

Sandra Scharf ist in Düsseldorf ansässig und Mitglied der Praxisgruppe Leadership Advisory. Als ehemalige Personalleiterin, Strategieberaterin mit breiter internationaler Erfahrung und zertifizierte Coachin und Moderatorin setzt sie sich dafür ein, das volle Potenzial von Einzelpersonen und Teams freizusetzen und mit Führungspersönlichkeiten auf einer sehr persönlichen, authentischen und einfühlsamen Ebene zusammenzuarbeiten, um sie dabei zu unterstützen, einen positiven kulturellen Wandel in ihren Organisationen voranzutreiben. Vielfalt, Gleichberechtigung und Inklusion sind für sie entscheidende Themen.

Bevor sie zu Egon Zehnder kam, sammelte Sandra Scharf umfassende Erfahrungen in China, Südafrika, den USA, Kanada und Europa. Zuletzt war sie bei McKinsey & Co. in Düsseldorf, New York und Amsterdam als Associate Partner und Senior Expert tätig und leitete als Mitglied des ABERKYN-Teams, das sich mit der Entwicklung von Führungspersönlichkeiten und kulturellem Wandel befasst, die Arbeit des Unternehmens im Bereich Vielfalt, Gleichberechtigung und Integration in Europa. Zuvor war sie als Senior Vice President beim Center for Talent Innovation in New York tätig, wo sie unter anderem Fortune-500-Unternehmen beriet. Davor war sie bei der Global Bank of New York für das Management von Berufseinsteiger:innen und Nachwuchstalenten zuständig und arbeitete als Global Head of Campus Strategy and Pipeline Development bei der Bank of New York Mellon, ebenfalls in New York.

Sandra Scharf erwarb einen MBA in internationalem Management an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität in Jena und einen MPA in Wirtschaftsentwicklung an der Columbia University in New York. Sie ist ausgebildete Moderatorin für Teamentwicklungsprozesse und systemische Aufstellungsarbeit, zertifizierte Anwenderin der MBTI-, EQi- und LCP-Tools sowie von Newfield Network zertifizierte Coachin. In ihrer Freizeit verbringt Sandra gerne Zeit mit ihrem Partner und ihrer kleinen Tochter, praktiziert Yoga, reitet und reist viel.

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Thought Leadership

Thought Leadership by Sandra Scharf

A Question of Culture

A Question of Culture

If you count the number of female executives serving on management and supervisory boards in 2024, you will immediately see that the German business… Read more

A Question of Culture — “People Are Guided by the ‘Tone from the Top’”

A Question of Culture — “People Are Guided by the ‘Tone from the Top’”

Isabell Welpe is a professor for strategy and organization at the Technical University of Munich. In her research, she examines how teams function, how… Read more

A Question of Culture — The Role of Women – Is It Worth It?

A Question of Culture — The Role of Women – Is It Worth It?

The Sunday newspaper FAS made the issue one of its top stories in June 2023: “Why women do not remain on management boards for… Read more

A Question of Culture — The Rule to the Exception

A Question of Culture — The Rule to the Exception

When asked to assess attitudes towards top female executives in Germany, members of management and supervisory boards described them as dreadful. Read more

A Question of Culture — Old Boy Network

A Question of Culture — Old Boy Network

“Usually, the members of the management board have grown up together in the company.” This shared (ladder-climbing) story bonds them. Read more

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