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Caroline Lombardi

Contact Details

+1 305 569 1000

Caroline Lombardi, based in Miami, leads the Global Hospitality and Leisure Practice as well as Consumer Services. She has particular expertise in CEO, Customer, Operations, Commercial and Marketing roles. Caroline is highly active in the Board Practice, hosting events and leading board search mandates for the firm.

The right person in the right job has the potential to transform everything: the company, the industry, the economy and, most importantly, lives.

Before joining Egon Zehnder, Caroline was with Carnival Cruise Line, where she led guest experience, innovation and operations. Previously, she managed global brand strategy, licensing and product development for private label brands at Toys “R” Us. That was preceded by the role of Vice President at Big Boing, where she licensed brands and IP to retailers including Target and The Disney Store. Earlier, Caroline managed movie marketing campaigns for MGM Studios. She began her career as a real estate financial analyst at Arthur Andersen.

Caroline earned a BBA in marketing and finance from the University of Miami and an MBA from Harvard Business School.

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