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Sebastien D’Incau

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+1 514 876 4249

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Sebastien D’Incau co-leads Egon Zehnder’s Global Consumer Practice and is a member of the Board Practice. Based in Montreal, he is a trusted advisor to both boards and executive teams. He has extensive experience in executive search as well as leadership advisory topics including succession planning, team effectiveness, culture transformation, management appraisal, and leadership development. He advises both industry leaders as well as disruptors.

I love helping my clients dare to go to new places and be bold and confident in the face of constant disruption.

Prior to joining Egon Zehnder, Sebastien was a Project Leader with the Boston Consulting Group, where he worked with clients in consumer goods, retail and financial services. He began his career in market strategy and planning and customer business development at Procter & Gamble.

Sebastien has a BBA in finance from HEC Montreal and received a Mercury distinction for academic and leadership excellence. He also received a MBA from Harvard Business School, where he was a Junior Achievement Fellow. Joyfully married to Marie-Joëlle, Sebastien treasures his father role to their daughter Eleanora and their family dog, Albert. Passionate about travel, he enjoys planning family vacations and finding new opportunities to expose his family to the diversity of the world. He also founded a nonprofit that hosts boxing events to raise money for cancer research.

Sébastien D’Incau est un conseiller stratégique de confiance spécialisé en recrutement, accompagnement et évaluation de dirigeants auprès d’entreprises internationales. Basé à Montréal, il est spécialisé dans de nombreuses industries notamment : les biens de consommation, le commerce de détail, les services financiers et le secteur industriel.

Avant de rejoindre Egon Zehnder, Sébastien était chef de projet au sein du Boston Consulting Group et travaillait avec des clients du secteur des biens de consommation, du commerce de détail et des télécommunications. Il a commencé sa carrière en stratégie et planification de marché et en vente stratégique pour Procter & Gamble.

Sébastien est titulaire d’un baccalauréat en administration des affaires de HEC Montréal, avec une spécialisation en finance, et s’est vu décerner un prix Mercure pour l’excellence de ses résultats scolaires et de son leadership. Il est également titulaire d’une maîtrise en administration des affaires (MBA) de la Harvard Business School, où il était notamment un « Junior Achievement Fellow ». Dans ses temps libres, il aime déguster du bon vin avec ses amis, voyager hors des sentiers battus et partir à l’aventure avec sa conjointe Marie-Joëlle et leur chiot, Albert. Il a également fondé un organisme à but non lucratif qui organise des combats de boxe pour collecter des fonds au profit de la recherche contre le cancer.

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Thought Leadership

Thought Leadership by Sebastien D’Incau

Building Board Resilience in the Consumer Industry

Building Board Resilience in the Consumer Industry

Insights from our Inaugural Consumer Board Retreat Read more

Adapting to a Changing World

Adapting to a Changing World

Some of the greatest challenges companies face today have already been addressed effectively within the co-op/mutual model. From creating values and purpose-driven cultures, to… Read more

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