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Edmund Siah

Contact Details

+65 6225 0355

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Ed Siah, based in Singapore, is an authority on financial services and CEO succession planning in Asia. He is a valued advisor to global and regional financial institutions and leading Singaporean companies in executive search, board consulting, and executive assessments. Ed recently led the Egon Zehnder’s Global Financial Services Practice and is a part of the firm’s Financial Services, CEO, Board Consulting, and Executive Assessment and Development practices.

I’m driven to make a difference for people in organizations by helping to put the right leaders in charge.

Before coming to Egon Zehnder, Ed was Managing Director of ISR, a global organizational-effectiveness consulting firm, with responsibility for running and growing the business in Asia Pacific and the Middle East. Earlier in his career, he served as Managing Director in Asia for Netdecisions Group, a U.K. technology-consulting firm, and as a Strategy Consultant and Project Leader at the Boston Consulting Group in Southeast Asia, focusing on financial services. Ed began his career at Standard Chartered Bank and Deutsche Bank, working mainly with large corporations and MNC clients in Southeast Asia.

Ed earned an MBA from London Business School and a BBA from the National University of Singapore. He looks forward to his weekend dinners with family and also enjoys golf and cheering on Manchester United.

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