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Egon Zehnder in Australia & New Zealand

About This Market

Leadership Consulting in Australia and New Zealand

Despite the distance from our first office in Zurich, our Australian practice, founded in 1973, was one of Egon Zehnder's first international locations.

With work spanning a range of locations across Australia and New Zealand, including Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Auckland, our consultants and professional staff serve clients across all sectors of the economy. This includes partnering with leading corporations, multigenerational family businesses, private equity teams, and fast-growing start-ups on their most important people and leadership issues. Our teams are also privileged to work at the highest levels of government and with public institutions. We offer a broad suite of leadership advisory services, ranging from CEO and Board appointments to executive assessment and development for individuals and teams, to organizational culture and Board consulting.

The diversity of our team and seamless collaboration around the world have made Egon Zehnder a formidable presence in Australia and New Zealand. We look forward to partnering with you on finding human solutions to your most complex people challenges.

Our offices in Australia & New Zealand

4:12 PM

Egon Zehnder in Sydney

Office Leader
Our Team in Sydney

4:12 PM

Egon Zehnder in Melbourne

Office Leader
Our Team in Melbourne

Meet the Australia & New Zealand Team

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