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Masafumi Kishi

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Based in Tokyo, Masafumi Kishi is active in Egon Zehnder’s Technology & Communications and Service practices. He supports clients with executive searches, succession planning, and assessments, in addition to helping them build teams, strengthen organizational cultures, and enable leaders to tap their full potential, also with one-on-one coaching.

I’m passionate about supporting leaders and leadership teams to help them unlock their full potential and create a better world.

Immediately prior to joining Egon Zehnder, Masafumi founded and was the CEO of Axia Strategic Partners, Inc. in Tokyo, a consulting firm specialized in helping companies – from startups to large corporations – transform their organizations and develop leaders. That was preceded by two years as a consultant with the Boston Consulting Group, also in Tokyo, advising a wide range of clients including a U.S.-based manufacturing company, a global pharmaceutical company, hospitals, a Japanese megabank, and a government-owned securities company; he won that firm’s MVP (Professional Excellence Award) in 2017. Earlier, Masafumi spent 10 years working for Mitsui & Co., Ltd in Japan and Indonesia in roles including Deputy General Manager of the corporate business development division and, within the scope of a joint venture, Head of IMTV’s corporate planning division.

Masafumi received a bachelor of commerce (B.Com) degree from Kwansei Gakuin University, took a strategic management design course at the Kuwasawa Design School, and earned an MBA from Peking University. His book “Designing Enthusiasm: How to Create Fun, Results-Driven Teams” was a bestseller in seven categories on Amazon. Masafumi is married and they have two children. Outside work, he supports his son’s basketball team, is learning to breakdance, and enjoys traveling with his family and engaging in outdoor activities.


大学卒業後、三井物産に勤務し、インドネシア三井物産ICT事業本部の副部長や合弁会社IMTVの経営企画部長などを歴任。ボストンコンサルティンググループでは国内外の製造業や製薬会社、病院、金融機関など幅広いクライアントの戦略策定や戦略実行を支援し、2017年には同グループのMVP (Professional Excellence Award)を受賞。2019年には企業の組織変革支援やリーダー育成等のサービスを提供するAxia Strategic Partners株式会社を設立しCEOを務めた。


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