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Christina Ng

Contact Details

+1 202 774 1352

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Based in Washington, D.C., Christina Ng is active in Egon Zehnder’s Health Practice and Public & Social Sector Practice. A seasoned senior leader and strategist, she draws on extensive experience in advising clients on growth and innovation, large-scale organizational redesign and transformation, and boosting the performance and effectiveness of executive teams.

I’m passionate about building best-in-class companies and organizations by enabling their leaders to be as transformative and innovative as possible.

Before joining Egon Zehnder, Christina was a Principal at the Boston Consulting Group, serving as a lead in its Healthcare, Social Impact, and Public Sector practices. During that time, she headed global and domestic teams in developing solutions for healthcare companies as well as for international not-for-profit and multilateral organizations. Christina also served as the firm’s recruiting director in Washington, D.C., and as an internal performance coach for consulting teams across North America. She began her career at Community Wealth Partners, specializing in scaling social enterprise businesses and nonprofit organizations.

Christina earned a BA in public policy and economics from Duke University and an MBA from Columbia University. Alongside her consulting work, she is a member of NationSwell Council, a network of service-minded and purpose-driven leaders, and has served on the faculty of the NeighborWorks America Training Institute and spoken at workshops and conferences, including the Center for Nonprofit Advancement’s Leadership Series and the National Network for Youth. In her free time, Christina enjoys ballet dancing, hiking, and biking.

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