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YaoSong Chen

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+1 202 774 1300

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Yao Chen, based in Washington, D.C., advises automotive and machinery companies on C-suite succession and board consulting. Yao works with clients to harness emerging opportunities and address challenges that stem from the intersection of digital and automotive and technology and semiconductors. Prior to Washington, D.C., Yao advised global Asian and Chinese companies from our Singapore and China offices for 13 years. He works closely with board of directors and family offices on CEO succession, organizational design and corporate governance particularly in their international expansion. He also has expertise and experience in leadership assessment and development.

I am at my best when I’m trusted by clients to advise on complex and intricate organizational problems. Knowing I’ve made an impact energizes me.

Prior to joining Egon Zehnder, Yao was Asia Pacific CEO of Siemens Dematic. Previously, he led Asian Business Development for Hirsh Industries in Iowa. Yao began his career in engineering and operations at Motorola Paging in Florida.

Yao has a BS in mechanical engineering, a BA in Asian studies, and an ME in operations research and industrial engineering from Cornell University. He also has an MBA from Harvard Business School.



加入亿康先达之前,陈耀淞曾任西门子德马泰克(Siemens Dematic)亚太区首席执行官,这是一家固定设备制造和物流企业。在此之前,他在美国Hirsh工业公司领导亚洲区业务拓展。在职业生涯初期,他历任摩托罗拉各项工程技术与运营职务。


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