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Congratulations to Jill Ader as She Assumes her Role as Firm Chairwoman

Jill Ader officially assumes the role of Chairwoman of Egon Zehnder

  • November 2018
  • 2 mins read

ZURICH/LONDON/NEW YORK - November 1, 2018.

Jill Ader officially assumes the role of Chairwoman of Egon Zehnder, the world’s leadership advisory firm, following her election by the firm’s partnership earlier this year, and the retirement of current Chairman, Damien O'Brien. She is the first female Chair within the top five global leadership advisory and executive search firms.

With gratitude and appreciation to our Chairman, Damien O’Brien upon his formal retirement today. “We would all like to thank Damien for his devotion over the last 30 years with the Firm and his global leadership serving first as our CEO (2008-2014) and these last eight years as our Chairman. 

Since joining the firm in 1996, Jill has held several global leadership roles having set up the firm's CEO Practice, led the London office and the Global Consumer Practice, in addition to her membership of the Executive Committee and the Board.

Jill also founded Egon Zehnder’s global Executive Breakthrough leadership development program and the Discovery Program for CEO's focused on transformation and development, conducted with Mobius Executive Leadership.

Congratulations to Jill Ader as she assumes her role as Firm Chairwoman.

“I am committed to driving our Firm's evolution to spark a movement that enables positive change in the world through better leadership," stated Jill.   "A brand new era of leadership is emerging in a far less know-able, predictable and increasingly complex world  -- one requiring a dedication to personal transformation in order to direct the growth of organizations and ultimately produce a better society for all. Our role in shaping this future has never been more vital."

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