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Egon Zehnder to be Carbon-Neutral by End of 2021, Cut Carbon Emissions by 25% by 2024

Carbon emissions reduction is part of the Firm’s long-term support of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and its own environmental, social and governance (ESG) activities

  • December 2021
  • 2 mins read

ZURICH – 16 December 2021 – Egon Zehnder, the world’s preeminent leadership advisory firm, today announced that 2021 marks the first year it will be carbon-neutral. In addition, the Firm released plans to reduce carbon emissions by 25 percent over the next three years.

The carbon-neutral commitment is part of Egon Zehnder’s own long-term sustainability journey, which was started several years ago and comprises multiple ESG initiatives which align with B Corp methodology. To cut down on its carbon emissions, the Firm is focusing on reducing air travel, transitioning to green energy only, moving to sustainable-certified offices, utilizing green transportation, and engaging with suppliers to help improve the sustainability of their services. 

“Leadership is about taking a purposeful stance on today’s most complex and pressing challenges and working to create a prosperous tomorrow with people and planet at the center of all we do,” says Jill Ader, Chair of Egon Zehnder. “While we encourage our clients to lead by their own example, there is no doubt that we are committed to contributing to a more sustainable world ourselves.” Ed Camara, CEO of Egon Zehnder, adds: “ESG topics are top of mind for our clients, and they are at the top of our agenda as leadership advisors. We share a commitment to making a positive impact on our world.” 

About Egon Zehnder 

Egon Zehnder is the world’s preeminent leadership advisory firm, inspiring leaders to navigate complex questions with human answers. We help organizations get to the heart of their leadership challenges and offer honest feedback and insights to help leaders realize their true being and purpose. Our 600 consultants across 67 offices and 36 countries are former industry and functional leaders who collaborate seamlessly across geographies, industries and functions to deliver the full power of the Firm to every client, every time.

We believe that together we can transform people, organizations and the world through leadership.

For more information, visit and follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Media Contact

Jill Cockerham, Washington, D.C.
Head of US Marketing & Communications   
T: +1 202 7741310

Martin Klusmann, Berlin
Global Marketing Co-Lead
T: +49 170 236 0101

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