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Egon Zehnder to Showcase Tools for Leading Innovation at The New York Times New Work Summit

  • March 2017
  • 2 mins read

What: The New York Times New Work Summit is a conference that brings together top minds across industries to share research, insights and strategies for building teams equipped for the future of work. The interactive summit is designed for decision-makers, allowing them to refine their leadership skills and build a network of like-minded leaders.

Who: As a supporting sponsor of the New Work Summit, Egon Zehnder will be onsite showcasing tools for boards and CEOs to objectively measure how innovative their organizations are, and are capable of becoming, in order to effectively bring them into the future. Onsite, Egon Zehnder will feature an interactive module that will allow attendees to experience the framework for leading innovation, and understand how it will enable them to adapt and find new solutions quickly as business demands continue to evolve.

Why: As a global leader in executive search and leadership advisory services, Egon Zehnder’s experience shows that successfully leading any organization in today’s complex and rapidly changing environment requires a leader that views his or her role in a new way – as a creator of a context within which others are willing and able to innovate. By providing the tools leaders need to unlock business-wide innovation and discussing the details onsite at the New Work Summit, Egon Zehnder will help boards and CEOs remain competitive, even as they move into an uncertain future.

When: March 6-7, 2017

Where: The Ritz-Carlton, Half Moon Bay, California

Media contact: To meet with Egon Zehnder onsite or inquire further about the tools for leading innovation, please contact Hilary Crnkovich; Head of Global Communications;; Tel +1 312 260 8978

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