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Content related to CEO

How Successful Founders Make Smart People Decisions

Scale-up founders wear many hats, balancing rapid growth with team dynamics, organizational clarity, and leadership demands. It’s a phase filled with questions that can shape the trajectory of their business and personal growth.

Future-Proofing Boards for Disruption

In an era of seismic shifts, from climate to technological upheavals, boards must do more than keep pace – they must lead the charge. However, future readiness doesn’t come from compliance or ticking boxes; it requires boards to step back regularly, scrutinise their decisions, and question how they arrived at them.

HR Leaders Are a Critical Part of Developing Future CEOs—Here’s What They Need to Know to Do It Right

According to German Herrera, U.S. managing partner, nearly three-quarters of CEO appointments the firm facilitates are internal. "Bringing somebody from the outside directly into the CEO role is very traumatic. Unless there’s a big change, a big turnaround, or a significant issue, boards don’t want to take that risk," he explains.

Think you have what it takes to be CEO? Here’s what top executive search firms look for

As German Herrera, Egon Zehnder's U.S. leader, highlights in Fortune, it is essential to move away from checkboxes of experience and focus on traits such as curiosity, self-learning, the ability to connect the dots, and more.

The Benefits of Succession Planning

Effective succession planning is more than just preparing for leadership changes—it's a strategic investment in your organization's future. By fostering leadership development, mitigating risks, and ensuring business continuity, succession planning helps companies build resilience, retain top talent, and maintain a competitive edge. Discover why organizations that prioritize this process are better positioned to thrive in an ever-evolving business landscape.

Family Business Succession Planning Best Practices

Learn expert insight, tips, and best practices for developing your family business succession plan from the expert family planning consultants at Egon Zehnder.

What the Grateful Dead can teach CEOs about succession planning

"I was at a concert when it hit me: This is what effective succession looks like." Read on for the full piece by Lindsay Trout.

CEOs Brace for Systemic Change and Embrace Expanded Roles in Society, Egon Zehnder Reveals

A recent Egon Zehnder study reveals that 80% of CEOs foresee "groundbreaking systemic changes" and emphasize collaboration with governments to address societal challenges. Climate change and AI are highlighted as key areas for fostering cooperation and driving positive transformation.

Egon Zehnder: Many CEOs embracing a new era of leadership

A majority of CEOs say they expect “groundbreaking systemic changes” within the next decade.

CEO Succession Planning for Tomorrow’s Success

CEO succession planning often starts up to two years before the transition occurs. Do you have a strategy in place to support your leadership team?

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