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Content related to Communications

A Bigger Shield and Sharper Sword

In 2023, we discussed how Private Capital firms were becoming household names due to their vast investments and influence on major issues. The need for skilled communications and corporate affairs leadership was emphasized. By 2025, this need has only grown, driven by political shifts and geopolitical changes, necessitating a renewed focus on public and external affairs engagement and strategic communications. Our updated article reflects these changes and their implications for the sector.

Should Your Head of Investor Relations Be a Communications Expert or an IR Expert—Or Both?

Discover the background your company needs in a head of investor relations to enhance your company's financial communications.

Seventy-three percent of business leaders are ill-equipped for AI transformation, citing limited time, people, and funds, new report from Egon Zehnder and Kearney reveals

Global Leadership Advisory Egon Zehnder, in partnership with Kearney, today releases a report titled ‘Leadership in the Age of AI’ exploring how business leaders foresee the impact of AI on organizations and jobs, and how prepared they feel for this change.

Keeping Pace with the Fast-moving Fiber Race: Lessons from Germany

Germany’s competitive fiber market is entering a new phase of consolidation—and executives may find the strategies that served them well until now do not guarantee their future survival.

Beauty Marketer Make-Over

Beauty marketers have always been on the edge of innovation, setting trends and pushing boundaries. As the sector evolves, so does the CMO's role.

“Both Shield and Sword” – Private Capital’s Need for Great Communications Leaders

Effective Communications are crucial for Private Capital firms dealing with risk mitigation and can give them the competitive advantage.

How 5G is Transforming Leadership

Many business leaders feel trepidation about the repercussions posed by 5G. Studies show that 80% of executives expect 5G to impact their business.

Hacking Leadership in the Tech Industry

The tech industry is under the regulatory spotlight in the United States. Can leaders strike the right balance between compliance and growth as challenges intensify?

Getting Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

In a series of discussions with senior global communications leaders over the past six months, we explored the role they are playing in helping CEOs and leaders evolve their approaches and grow more comfortable with the friction between different internal audiences.

Voices of Leadership

CEOs are turning to Corporate Affairs like never before.

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