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Content related to Culture

How a People-First Culture Has Paid Off for Marriott International

Marriott's People-First Culture: Insights from Ty Breland

Building a Winning Cross-Generational Culture in Family Business

To secure lasting success, family businesses must align today’s leadership with the next generation, creating a unified vision for the future.

The Benefits of Keeping Your Family in the Family Business

Curious what the benefits are for keeping your family involved in your family-owned business? There are many! Learn from our consulting experience.

The Talent Perspective on SDVs: Uniting Software and Hardware in an “Autosoft” Culture

A true tech company thinks and acts completely differently from a legacy carmaker. Yet these two need to speak the same language if they are to understand the rules of this new game and moreover, win at it.

CEOs Say They Are Ready to Lead Beyond Business

Egon Zehnder’s 2024 survey reveals that a majority of chief executives feel a responsibility to help solve societal problems

A Board's Role in Developing Building Talent and Culture

Kalpana Morparia speaks about best practices for board culture, and reflects on her experience as a leader who is constantly improving.

How Leaders' Personal Preferences Affect Shareholder Value

Our work with leaders worldwide has identified several leading practices for uncovering and preventing behaviors that lead to culture destruction.

Young Leaders Are Shaping the Future of Organizations

Luciana Antonini, Talita Lacerda, and Natalia Paiva explores the impact of young leaders on organizations and society and how they will shape the future.

Leaders Face a Potential Second Pandemic - in Mental Health

The world is facing a second pandemic, this time in mental health. This can be seen in company leaders who haven't reflected on the past few years.

To Unlock AI Success, Invest in Culture

Placing organizational culture at the core of your business strategy can help you unlock the full potential of AI technologies and Success.

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