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Content related to Human Resources

How a People-First Culture Has Paid Off for Marriott International

Marriott's People-First Culture: Insights from Ty Breland

Executive Succession Planning Template & Guidance

When it comes to executive succession, having support is key. Utilize our succession planning template as a first step, and seek help if you need more support.

How HR Leaders Are Navigating the Rapidly Changing Landscape of Work

HR leaders are adapting to evolving paradigms and are in a strategic position to influence and shape the future of work – which will impact not only their organization, but also the larger community.

Taking a Seat at the Table: How HR Leaders Are Adding Value in the Boardroom

HR leaders spoke about their board service, the value they added, and advice they would give to HR professionals who may be considering board work.

Leveraging HR Prowess in AI Adoption

Delve into three big areas where Human Resources leaders are uniquely positioned to influence AI adoption efforts throughout the company.

A Call for Human-Centric Governance

Family-owned businesses must acknowledge the importance of people and remuneration issues in companies to effectively fulfill their functions.

How HR Is Leading the Charge on ESG and Social Impact

Companies are realizing that sustainability and social impact are increasingly important to both their employees and job seekers. Egon Zehnder has recognized this new dynamic and conducted a series of discussions on the critical role that HR plays in fulfilling these responsibilities.

Finding Your ‘Inner Activist’

Tessa Wernink, founder of The Undercover Activist, reflects upon leadership, highlighting that bringing your whole self to work and recognizing the whole self of others makes leading in turbulent times less lonely.

Hiring Right: A Guide for Founders and High-Growth Companies

Having the right people in key positions can make or break a startup or any fast-growing company. So, how can a founder hire well?

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