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Content related to Industrial

Volume 45: 'We Have Become More Human:' Manufacturing CEOs Speak Out on The Evolving Role

To manage and lead through vast complexity, CEOs have discovered that the antidote is largely relational, and they are actively working to expand their leadership capacity accordingly.

Navigating the CFO Role as a Co-Pilot

Howard Ungerleider, CFO of Dow, asserts that today's CFO needs leadership, problem-solving, courage, curiosity, and accountability skills to deliver value for all stakeholders in the organization.

CFO: Balancing Learning and Contribution

Howard Ungerleider, CFO of Dow, reflects that the biggest growth opportunities lie on roles where one can both contribute and learn simultaneously.

Key Skills for Future CFOs: What You Need to Know

Chief Financial Officers discuss what skills aspiring CFOs need to possess to ascend to the CFO role

What Does It Take to Go from CFO to CEO?

Egon Zehnder’s global survey on the changing role of the CFO reveals that 60% of CFOs aspire to become CEO one day. But what does it take to get there? Five prominent CFOs answer this question.

Agribusiness Leaders: Seeking Excellence in Times of Change

Agribusiness is in a positive moment of great transformations. Who will be the leaders capable of driving success and seizing new opportunities amidst so much change?

Transformation in the Energy Industry

Energy companies are balancing rapid transformation while navigating the impact of this shift on leaders and their teams. To remain relevant and innovative, energy companies must embrace a culture of agility, collaboration and innovation while attracting and retaining top talent. Below, we share six key takeaways from Egon Zehnder's 9th Annual Energy CEO & Board Leaders Breakfast, which focused on transformation and how it impacts recruitment, retention and executive development, as well as the culture of companies. 

Changing Leadership with the Internet of Behaviors

The world is becoming one big data problem, and the IoB is the key technological synapse to unscramble it.

Why Decentralized Companies Outperform Their Industrial Peers

Common language, ownership mindset, and culture of discontent contribute to this organizational structure’s success.

Powering the Next Wave of Utility Leaders

Electric utilities have an unprecedented opportunity to modernize and transform the country’s grid, but it will take a committed approach to talent and culture to realize their full potential.

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