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United Behind Leadership for a Better World

  • March 2022
  • 2 mins read

Egon Zehnder Stopping Operations in Russia 

Egon Zehnder condemns the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other acts of war. We stand together behind our purpose, Leadership for a Better World, and the power of compassion and connection, valuing every human life, striving for peace. Leadership matters, who sits in those seats of power matters, and, as we witness now, has enormous ramifications. 

Egon Zehnder is complying with all international sanctions and has been refusing any assignments from individuals or entities designated under sanctions implemented by the EU, UK, United States, Canada, Japan, and Australia. We also extended this policy to all individuals or entities sanctioned by any of these countries, even if serving them from other Egon Zehnder offices would be allowed under the international sanctions. Immediately after the invasion of Ukraine, we began the process of stopping our operations in Russia. We are supporting our Russian employees as our work in the market has ended.

Our Contribution

Egon Zehnder has made a substantial donation to the International Committee of the Red Cross to use at its discretion, and it is our intent to repeat it every year as a long-term commitment to peace efforts and to supporting refugees in pursuit of a better world. We are local teams united as One Firm, and our colleagues worldwide are also engaged in local and regional activities to support Ukraine. Our hearts go out to all those affected by the war and we hope for a peaceful resolution soon. 

This statement was published on March 2 and updated on March 30, 2022. 

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