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What We Do

Committee Chair Successions

Committees are the heart of the boardroom. They are where critical work is delegated to board members with specific expertise, and committee chairs drive both the efforts their committee leads as well as collaborate with other committees and integrate their efforts to achieve broader boardroom goals.

Our team understands the nuances that comes with committee chair succession planning, and we work with you to create a more intentional, inclusive succession and development plan. We collaborate closely with the Nominations Committee to understand and manage stakeholder expectations and schedule regular reviews of progress to ensure timetables are being met. Our team conducts deep referencing, ensuring that we provide you with the most suitable recommendations for the role, and we maintain confidentiality at all times.

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With more than 600 consultants, working in 67 offices and 36 countries, we partner with the world's greatest leaders to help them succeed personally and professionally

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