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  • May 2018
  • 1 min read

Many millennials no longer aspire to be millionaire CEOs. Speaking with Martina Fuchs for CNN Money Switzerland,  Clemens Hoegl, Partner at Egon Zehnder Switzerland, discusses findings from the firm’s recent survey of more than 400 global CEOs, The CEO: A Personal Reflection. Hoegl explains that new chief executives are now more motivated by making an impact than they are by making money, and notes that many executives confessed to feeling overwhelmed and unprepared when stepping into their new roles.

“Today, we see that they need more coaching and development,” Hoegl said. “The demand for cultural change and transformation is only going upwards, and they need more support about how to develop themselves and adapt to an ever-changing environment.”


Full Story: Why Millennials Don’t Want to Become CEOs. 3, May 2018. Clemens Hoegl, Egon Zehnder, Zurich

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