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Finanz und Wirtschaft – What Are the Biggest Challenges Facing CEOs on the Job?

  • April 2018
  • 1 min read

What are the biggest challenges facing CEOs on the job and how do Swiss executives differ from their global counterparts, asks Finanz und Wissenschaft? Citing a recent study by Egon Zehnder on the challenges facing CEOs, only 28% of internally recruited managers and 32% of external candidates feel fully prepared when they take on the top job. Although the majority of CEOs reported knowing in advance that they were destined for the corner office, around 38% were not satisfied with the succession procedure in their company. One of the toughest aspects of the top job today turned out to be aligning short-term financial targets with long-term strategic goals. Interestingly, around 40% of CEOs surveyed globally reported this as a challenge versus just 15% of Swiss CEOs. When it comes to organizing family life, however, 62% of Swiss CEOs find it tough to strike a good work-life balance, versus just 35% globally.

A detailed overview of the study’s results is available here

Full story: Michael Griesdorf: “Wo den CEO der Schuh drückt“ (“Where the CEO’s real problems lie“) in Finanz und Wirtschaft (17 April 2018).

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