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Moneycab – Personal Change: The Key to Transforming Your Company

  • April 2018
  • 1 min read

Personal development and managing teams are identified by CEOs as the most challenging aspects of their job. Citing a recent CEO survey by Egon Zehnder, Moneycab and Organisator report that CEOs are very conscious of the need to change and evolve personally to keep up with business developments. 47 percent of survey participants said it was harder than expected to develop their management team, while 50 percent struggled to drive culture changes. “Executives who remain modest, aware of their own vulnerability and open to feedback, self-perception and continuous learning have already laid the foundations for the success of their organization,” notes Egon Zehnder’s Clemens Hoegl. “The ability to change oneself is the key to transforming a company,” he adds. A growing number of CEOs are recognizing the importance of soft skills and are moving towards a more reflective, collaborative management style.

A detailed overview of the study’s results is available here

Full story. "Egon Zehnder: Die grösste Herausforderung für CEOs – die menschliche Seite"("Egon Zehnder: The Big Challenge for CEOs – the human side“) in moneycab and Organisator (17 April 2018)

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