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The Times – Today’s New Chief Executives Can Set an Example for Us All

Being a chief executive is often rewarding, famously well compensated and can be the pinnacle of someone’s ambitions, but, today more than ever, it also demands a lot and can bring with it stress, solitude and scrutiny.

  • June 2019
  • 2 mins read

Being a chief executive is often rewarding, famously well compensated and can be the pinnacle of someone’s ambitions, but today more than ever, the role is demanding and can bring with it stress, solitude and scrutiny, writes London-based Egon Zehnder consultant and co-leader of firm’s global Financial Services practice Miranda Pode.

The need for a publicly listed company to be accountable to its shareholders and customers means that short-term difficulties can quickly derail a chief executive’s carefully planned long-term strategy. Having worked in partnership with chief executives since 1964, Egon Zehnder knows that there’s more that unites great leaders than divides them, and CEOs face common challenges. Regardless of ownership structure, the most successful bosses can draw on the support and expert guidance of a board whose members have a real feel for the business, its customers and its people.

Great leaders, as well as boards, recognize that being appointed chief executive shouldn’t be the pinnacle of someone’s ambitions. Instead it is the beginning of a new journey. They know that to lead others, chief executives must be self-aware, curious and continue to stretch, grow and develop. Yes, leadership is hard, but at a time when it seems people are losing faith in their political leaders, it’s this new wave of chief executives who can set the example, showing what it means to be a great leader, and in doing so deliver for their shareholders, but also be a force for good beyond their organizations. 



Full Story: Today’s new chief executives can set an example for us all. By Miranda Pode. 04, June 2019.

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