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What We Do

Executive Onboarding, Accelerated

Newly appointed CEOs and executives face many challenges, and often they fail within their first 18 months.

Our Accelerated Onboarding programs help CEOs and executives anticipate and overcome the early day challenges and set them up for long-term success. The main objective is to reduce the time it takes for a new leader to reach full impact.

We have insight into how difficult and important these transitions are: we know what can happen, what the obstacles may be, and how to tackle them. We provide advice and support to a newly hired CEO or executive and also to the hiring organization and their teams.

By addressing likely integration challenges and ensuring clear expectations and effective communication between stakeholders, we work together on a fast and successful transition into the new role.

We share our personal and collective insights—we leverage our knowledge of “what good looks like” gained from thousands of placements at the senior level in many different contexts. We can provide objective advice and insights to help resolve delicate issues while relationships are still forming.

Executive Onboarding, Accelerated Consultants

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