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Becker’s Hospital Review – CDOs Spend More Time Evangelizing Than Digitizing, Study Shows

  • June 2019
  • 1 min read

Four key takeaways from Egon Zehnder's CDO Decoded report

Though the focal point of responsibility of current Chief Digital Officers resides in driving digital monetization, many admit they spend equally as much time strategizing digital solutions rather than implementing them. A new survey Egon Zehnder illustrates the insights and obstacles of 107 CDOs from large organizations across industries around the world.

Here are four key takeaways:

  1. When asked of their main area of responsibility, 56% of CDOs said it was driving commercial impact, with 19% prioritizing long term product innovation.
  2. More than half of responders noted spending more of their time idealizing than actually executing their digital strategy.
  3. In total, 38% of Chief Digital Officers noted that the experiences in their role so far had been different than what they expected.
  4. Conclusive insights from those surveyed expressed that direct support and communication from the organization’s board of directors, mid-level management and senior executives attributed most strongly to ensuring the success of CDOs in the midst of resistant or stalling company culture.



Full story: Andrea Park: “CDOs spend more time evangelizing than digitizing, study shows: 4 notes” in Becker's Hospital Review (11 June 2019).

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