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Digital Transformation

TechRepublic – Top Challenges for CDOs

  • June 2019
  • 1 min read

CDOs are often focused on the right goals, but aren't applying all the best practices to achieve them, according to a Gartner report

Providing measurable and attainable business objectives, balancing tactical and strategic initiatives and experimenting with progressive digital technology are key tips to emerging as a successful Chief Digital Officer. The leading challenges for current CDOs lie not with establishing proper business objectives, but within the arrangement and execution of appropriate practices. CDO Decoded: The First Wave of CDOs Speaks, a new report released by leadership consultancy Egon Zehnder, provides fresh insight into the motivations and challenges that emerging digital leaders face. While more than half of the 107 executives surveyed (58%) agreed that digital transformation required a flourishing company culture as a crucial component of success, 80% of CDOs cited that transforming company culture was much more difficult than expected. When asked of their biggest challenges, a dominating 86% of responders noted data integration and the elimination of silos, however, 57% said such obstacles were relieved with committed support from senior executives.



Full Story: Macy Bayern: “How to Be a Successful Chief Data Officer: 3 Tips” in TechRepublic (11 June 2019).

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