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Creditreform – Getting More Women into Top Management Positions

  • 十月 2015
  • 1 min read

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Creditreform – Getting More Women into Top Management Positions

With quotas looming, how can companies get more women into top management positions, asks Creditreform? Egon Zehnder consultant Brigitte Lammers offers four tips for finding and fast-tracking female talent. Companies of all sizes need to build personal relationships with talented women early in their careers, notes Lammers. She also advises companies to fill their talent pipelines by giving female managers operative responsibility in areas that are untypical for women. Ultimately, however, firms should recruit based on candidates’ qualifications, performance and suitability for the position, not their gender, says Lammers.

Full story: Julia S. Leendertse: Cherchez la femme in Creditreform (2 October 2015).

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