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Diversity: Getting To Grips With Greater D&I Transparency

  • 四月 2015
  • 1 min read

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Compliance Week – Diversity: Getting To Grips With Greater D&I Transparency

Speculation is mounting that US regulators are about to introduce new diversity reporting guidelines for companies. What steps can senior executives take to ensure that their companies satisfy new diversity and inclusion standards, asks Compliance Week? “There are a lot of programs in place, and a lot of things have been done already, but I think if you were to ask most CEOs if they are where they want to be, in their hearts they know the answer is no,” says Chuck Gray, a consultant at Egon Zehnder, New York. He advises companies to show that they have training schemes, mentorships and other initiatives in place aimed at supporting and retaining minority employees, instead of focusing entirely on their recruitment policies.

Full story: Joe Mont: Dodd-Frank’s Diversity Disclosures Draw Nearer in Compliance Week (7 April 2015).

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