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Forbes – Private Equity Has Something To Add To The Diversity Discussion. Yes, Really

  • 十二月 2017
  • 1 min read

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Forbes – Private Equity Has Something To Add To The Diversity Discussion. Yes, Really

At the Forbes Leadership Forum on Private Equity, Charles Gray, co-leader of Egon Zehnder’s US Diversity Practice with a special focus on Private Equity, recently contributed to the discussion on diversity. He contends that while Private Equity does not have the best record on diverse hiring, it does have a type of “evergreen hiring” that we can all learn from: building great talent pipelines by forging strong relationships with promising candidates – before they’re even candidates. In reference to the consistent lament that there is just no suitable diverse talent out there, Charles Gray argues: “It’s not true that there’s no pipeline. But it is quite true that moving the needle on diversity is hard work. What it takes is a radical shift in hiring practices — one that the world of private equity has used with success within their portfolio companies.”

Full Story: Private Equity Has Something To Add To The Diversity Discussion. Yes, Really in Forbes (20 November 2017).


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