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The Times of India – Why Search Firms Are Expanding Their Services

  • 2017年07月17日
  • 1 min read

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The Times of India – Why Search Firms Are Expanding Their Services

For decades, search firms in India and around the world have built their businesses on C-suite placements. But with the industry being disrupted by social networks and a complex hiring environment, business models are changing and search firms and management consultancies are now offering more value-added services. Pallavi Kathuria, managing partner, Egon Zehnder India, told The Times of India, “In response to our clients' evolving talent management needs, we are increasingly doing work in areas spanning the senior leadership life cycle such as assessment, development, coaching and our tailor-made CEO onboarding program — executive breakthrough and accelerated integration.” Egon Zehnder is often asked by its clients to create more holistic solutions to complex problems, which include interconnected talent management and succession planning. “Disruption and change is the reality of the world we live in. The scope of our client service has broadened from identifying to developing and retaining exceptional leaders... In India, we see a gradual but sure shift from pure executive search to these leadership solutions,” Kathuria said.

Full story: Pallavi Kathuria: “Headhunters Add Talent Mgmt to Search” in The Times of India (17 July 2017).

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