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Financial Times – Take a Brave Approach to Boosting Diversity

  • 2017年03月7日
  • 1 min read

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Financial Times – Take a Brave Approach to Boosting Diversity

How can companies do more to promote gender diversity, asks the Financial Times? Setting specific diversity goals and measuring progress towards them is a good start, says Karoline Vinsrygg, Leader of Egon Zehnder’s Global Diversity Council. “I believe in targets. It’s brave. By putting a number out there, you measure it and for the whole organisation, it shows that it matters,” notes Vinsrygg. She also urges firms to start from the bottom and lead from the top: “You want to hire senior people who can be role models but you really need to invest long term in your employees.” Looking forward, Vinsrygg’s message is: “We need a revolution here, instead of simply hoping that things will get better."

Full story: Brooke Masters: Strategies for a revolution in careers for women in the Financial Times (8 March 2017).

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