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Information Age – Why Gender Parity Makes a Strong Business Case

  • 2017年04月2日
  • 1 min read

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Information Age – Why Gender Parity Makes a Strong Business Case

Gender parity will give businesses access to a more diverse pool of talent, enable them to build stronger teams and as a result, help provide better solutions to customers. In today’s competitive global economy, the companies that take gender parity seriously, will be the ones that step ahead. While women make up 40% of the global workforce today, they are still considerably lacking in the boardroom and only 5% of women currently occupy CEO level roles. According to Egon Zehnder’s Global Leaders & Daughters survey, at current levels, it could take up to 20 years to achieve gender parity in the boardroom. Further supporting the business case for diversity, up to $12 trillion could be added to the global GDP by 2025 if more is done to improve gender parity in the workplace.

Full story: Information Age: Why gender parity makes a strong business case (April 03, 2017).

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