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Handelszeitung – Bold Companies Consider all CEO Options

  • 2017年09月11日
  • 1 min read

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Handelszeitung - Bold Companies Consider all CEO Options

Novartis recently appointed a comparatively young internal candidate with no previous corner office experience as its CEO, reports the Handelszeitung. “The choice is part of a trend,” according to Egon Zehnder consultant Philippe Hertig. When recruiting for the top job, a growing number of companies are leaving their options open by considering both internal and external candidates and recruiting more individuals with experience as a director. Promoting an internal candidate also speaks for the quality of a company’s talent management and the effectiveness of its succession planning, adds Hertig.

Full story: Seraina Gross: “Reinhardts Radikalkur“ (“Reinhardt’s Drastic Measures”) in the Handelszeitung (7 September 2017).

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