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Egon Zehnder International hosts discussion for Italy’s top female leaders

  • 2011年12月31日
  • 1 min read

Media, news and events


Egon Zehnder International hosts discussion for Italy’s top female leaders

Tapping top female talent was the focus of a special event recently held by Egon Zehnder International in its Milan office, Italy. The event was attended by over 60 of Italy’s top women executives and Claudio Fernández-Aráoz, Senior Advisor at Egon Zehnder International and author of Great People Decisions. Participants discussed the potential impact of Italy’s new gender quota legislation to become effective in August. Tommaso Arenare, a consultant at Egon Zehnder International, Milan, welcomes the legislation as Egon Zehnder International is already promoting competence-based people decisions, helping companies avoid the pitfalls of appointments based on unconscious biases or connections.

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