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Egon Zehnder’s Lindsay Trout to Lead Round Table at Shift Conference San Francisco

  • 2016年08月23日
  • 1 min read

Media, news and events


Egon Zehnder’s Lindsay Trout to Lead Round Table at Shift Conference San Francisco

Integrating Digital Talent into Traditional Corporate Cultures is the central theme of the round table to be lead by Lindsay Trout, Digital Practice Leader at Egon Zehnder. The explosion of new technologies, data and ways that customers are interacting with brands has had a profound impact on corporate structures precipitating a need for new skills to understand and deliver relevant customer-facing services. What new skills are needed for corporates to remain competitive and relevant? What strategies are proving most effective in the drive to attract, retain and train digital talent? How are companies bridging the divide between the ‘old’ and the ‘new’?

Egon Zehnder’s Lindsay Trout leads this discussion at Shift San Francisco.

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