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Harvard Business Review – Keep Employees from Leaving by Emphasizing Teamwork

  • 2016年11月17日
  • 1 min read

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Harvard Business Review – Keep Employees from Leaving by Emphasizing Teamwork

Research shows that job-switching in companies across sectors and geographies is on the rise, hurting both personal and organizational performance. In order to change this dynamic, Egon Zehnder’s CEO Rajeev Vasudeva and Senior Adviser Claudio Fernández-Aráoz advise emphasizing that entrepreneurial innovation is a team effort. Instead of laying out a vision for others to follow, top leaders should create contexts in which others can and do set the direction. This must be reinforced with collective compensation schemes, rather than individual incentives. The authors sum up the stakes as follows: “It’s not about you or me, but all about us. Do you want a disengaged collection of followers poorly executing on the vision of those at the top while looking for a new job? Or do you want a committed community of innovators seamlessly working together to bring ever finer products and services to the world?”

Full story: Claudio Fernández-Aráoz &Rajeev Vasudeva: Keep Employees from Leaving by Emphasizing Teamwork (7 November, 2016).

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