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Egon Zehnder and The Conference Board present Governance Watch

  • 2016年03月13日
  • 1 min read

Egon Zehnder and The Conference Board present Governance Watch

Gain a new perspective on issues and developments affecting corporate governance.

Egon Zehnder and The Conference Board are pleased to present a new Governance Watch webcast series that will focus on critical governance and operational issues important to corporate Board members and/or C-suite executives. During these bi-monthly webcasts, Directors and the C-suite will hear from their peers about current Board practices, how to be a better Board member, and emerging regulatory issues and/or trends. With renewed economic uncertainty, an increased activist environment and ongoing regulatory change, this program offers unique and timely insight that will help you be prepared to address these rapidly emerging and evolving challenges.

In our inaugural webcast, we will be discussing best practices in Board succession planning. In the ever-evolving market, Boards must carefully consider how they will both lead and adapt along with their organizations. We will explore how succession planning enables Boards to leverage their composition as a competitive advantage and face the challenges of today’s corporate landscape. Our first guest is Stephen Wagner, Governance and Nominating Committee Chair, Dover Corporation; the webcast is hosted by Doug Chia, Executive Director, The Conference Board Governance Center, and moderated by Kim Van Der Zon, Head of Egon Zehnder’s Global Board Practice.

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